TED Tuesday: Fly me to Saturn

Planetary scientist Carolyn Porco shows images from the Cassini voyage to Saturn, focusing on its largest moon, Titan, and on frozen Enceladus, which seems to shoot jets of ice.


Carolyn Porco shares exciting new findings from the Cassini spacecraft’s recent sweep of one of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus. Samples gathered from the moon’s icy geysers hint that an ocean under its surface could harbor life.


Comments 2

  1. December 7, 2009

    What a treat. I can't thank you enough for posting these videos. Extraordinary images. They fill me with hope and wonder.

  2. December 7, 2009

    Thanks for the comment, Kathryn :). I'm glad you like the talk. TED talks are pretty ingenius and amazing. Comments like this keep me going :). So thanks for taking time to write.

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