Mona Lisa and intuition

Dr. Mona Lisa“People who have immune system-related problems such as allergies to food and the environment, who catch the cold or the flu frequently, and who have more serious autoimmune disorders often feel that they don’t fit in anywhere and tend to be loners. These people isolate themselves because, in many instances, they feel that their needs don’t match the needs of people around them – so any mingling feels overwhelming. Even on one-on-one basis, these very sensitive people are unable to relate, so they can’t create and maintain relationships that would provide them with a feeling of safety and security. This alienation makes them feel that the world is against them.”

That’s me! How do these women know? That is SO me!! Oh my God!!! Sitting on a square-stool in a bookstore, tears welled up in my eyes reading these lines from the book All is well : Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition by Louise Hay and Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, PhD. The words resonated with me so deeply … I had lived my life almost exactly the way these lines described it. I had suffered from frequent cough and cold as a child and about 3 years ago, had a serious incidence of an autoimmune condition from which, I recovered with help of Louise Hay’s You can heal your life along with medication by steroids. I have always been a loner and yes, mingling does feel like a task.


I got introduced to Dr. Mona Lisa and her work in the unique field of medical intuition through You can heal your life – the movie. I’ve been fascinated with the lady and her audacity to bring together a very right-brain ability like intuition and a very left-brain endeavour that is modern medicine. It is great to see her offer various courses online as well as offline in order to spread this unique field of understanding to those who are ready for it. Dr. Schulz is currently offering an online class series, The medical intuition of illness, that began on 18th July and goes on till 21st November, 2013 in form of 10 online classes. The access to the treasure-trove of material is available till 31st December, 2014 to those who enroll. So it definitely not too late to enroll even now!

She is presenting at New Days – 2013 Conference : Living the dream! Fulfill your highest potential! Because you can! in Dedham, MA on 21st September, 2013. Dr. Schulz is also offering a workshop/course, Medical intuition and affirmations, in Rhinebeck, NY campus of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies during 27th-29th September, 2013. Then in October, she offers one-day course, Heal Your Body with Medical Intuition and Affirmations, in Knoxville, TN (12th Oct) and Nashville, TN (13th Oct) on two consecutive days. In November, she is presenting at the I Can Do It! 2013 in Pasadena, CA and also offering an online course through Kripalu in MA.

All of us feel intuitions all the time. Sadly, not many of s give them much credence and live our lives based on the logical, thinking mind that has been programmed since childhood by the family and the society. Standing up to being who I truly am is not an easy task in this world that wants me to be like someone else. However, if I do find the courage to do so, it is the greatest achievement of all.

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