Affirmations 2013 : Week 5


“Every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future.” This is one of the basic tenets of Louise Hay’s philosophy. My thoughts and words are the means through which I let the Universe know what I chose as my reality. There are infinite possibilities for everything, everyone and every situation in the Universe. I, my consciousness, chose(s) one of them as my reality by thinking or speaking of that possibility as being real in my life.

A big part of my thoughts and speech is self-talk, thoughts and words about my own self. If I am aware enough to observe my thoughts and speech often, I realise what kind of thoughts am I thinking about myself, what am I talking about myself. Many times this self-talk is not very positive or constructive. Sometimes it is downright destructive of self-esteem and not very self-approving or self-accepting either! I berate myself about many different things ranging from my appearance to my efficiency in performing a particular task to some of the choices I have made in life. If I believe that I chose my reality by means of the thoughts I think and the words I speak, then what kind of a reality am I creating for myself with this critical self-talk? If I believe that I am not good enough for all the various reasons I outline in my destructive self-talk, then I am choosing for myself not-so-good reality, too! With this awareness, I consciously chose to have constructive and positive self-talk that boosts self-esteem, encourages self-acceptance and creates a reality of abundance and prosperity for myself.

Dr. Wayne Dyer tells us, “The law of floatation was not discovered by contemplation of sinking of things.” Similarly, I need to be willing to contemplate myself as a person deserving of all the good life has to offer. The belief of not-good-enough-ness could stem from childhood programming, opinions of others or a one-off incidence in later life. However, the point of power is always in the present moment. I can chose in the now to change this belief and replace it with a belief of being good enough to accept abundance in life.

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