Affirmations 2013 : Week 3


This week starts and ends with affirmations focusing on ‘acceptance’. Acceptance proves to be a challenge for many of us, on many different levels. Self-acceptance does not come easy to most of us. Sometimes there are some aspects of ourselves we’re quite satisfied about but others prove difficult for us to be OK with. I’ve had a tough time accepting certain aspects of my physical appearance for as long as I can remember. In my case, the objections stemmed from comments and opinions of my own family members. Media was a close second. However, doing the emotional clearing work on myself, with help of Louise’s You can heal your life, has now brought me to a state of complete and unconditional self-acceptance … most of the time.

Accepting others as they are can prove as challenging for us as accepting ourselves or sometimes even more so! I have experienced that the closer we’re related, the more challenging it becomes. This non-acceptance may be caused as a reaction to all the ‘you’re not good enough’ vibes we received from these family members in the childhood. However, as a spiritually aware adult, I realise that I need to first accept everyone as they are if I want to be accepted as I am. Only if I water the garden first, can I expect any harvest from it!

In many instances, acceptance needs to be preceded by forgiveness. Forgiveness is not something I do for the sake of others. Forgiveness sets me free. Holding on to old hurts and grudges affects me more than it does anyone else. Letting go and forgiving the other person frees me from the shackles of resentment. Forgiving myself is even more freeing than forgiving others. However, in order to be able to do that, I need to realise and acknowledge that I am always doing the best I can, with the knowledge and understanding I have at that moment.

Once I forgive and accept myself unconditionally and relax in the knowing that ‘all is well in my world’, attracting prosperity in all aspects of life is easy. Prosperity comes to me naturally without me needing to make an effort to attract it!

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