Affirmations 2013 : Week 2


As the second week of the year begins, the affirmation for Sunday encourages me to draw on all the positive energy I have started to attract during the last week and expect even better things to come my way. This is, of course, a great way to start any week or day in life!

As the week progresses, my attention is moved to accepting my ability to create all that I wish in life. Each one of us is the creator of our own lives however, most of us do not know this consciously. Cutting edge research in science (Quantum physics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Cognitive sciences) has proven the role our individual consciousness plays in choosing what becomes real for each one of us.

Medical science is slowly yet steadily recognising the mind-body connection and the influence of our beliefs on our biology. Focusing on good-feeling thoughts to create good-feeling body is, therefore, important. Treating my body with love and respect goes a long way in creating a healthy body for life!

As the week draws to an end, my focus is moved once again to trusting in the Universe and accepting myself as a joyous expression of the Universal creative power. What a wonderful way to end the week, knowing I am a gift of love!

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