Affirmations 2013 : Week 1


Like every year, Hay House /Louise Hay have created the I Can Do It calendar for this year, 2013, as well. This ‘Affirmations 2013’ weekly series of blog posts will be showcasing the calendar pages from this particular calendar for the given week. It will also include my thoughts related to these affirmations. Enjoy the offering!

Starting the year on a very positive and optimistic note, the affirmations in the very first week focus on ‘myself’. All the aspects of ‘myself’, i.e. mind, body and spirit are important when it comes to cultivating new and healthy beliefs about oneself. Similarly, trusting in ‘myself’ and in the Universe are both essential. Only when I trust myself to make the best choices can I move forward in life with confidence, letting go of any self-doubt whatsoever! However, trusting the Universe to deliver / manifest what I need in a perfect time-space sequence takes much more faith than trusting myself. Many times, things do not manifest in the way I wanted them to or not at the time that seems appropriate to me. In such instances, I need to have faith in something greater than me in order to keep moving forward despite the apparent dysfunction in my life.

With this kind of unwavering faith in myself and the Universe, comes the exciting prospect of eagerly looking forward to the future. Only when I know that all is well in my world, can I allow the present and trust the future. Thinking glorious thoughts now creates a glorious future for me. The point of power is always in the now, in the present moment. That is all we ever have in life … now.

So, begin the new year by focusing on all of the self, trusting the self and the Universe, looking forward to and creating a glorious future, in the present moment!

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