Tap your way to transformation!

As you know if you’ve spent more than 5 minutes online looking for information to change your life, there is a lot of “stuff” out there.  Much of it is theoretical, processes and ideas that sound good, but at the end of the day, they don’t give you results. Many of us, however, more are interested in the destination than the journey.

Louise EFTWhat I want to share with you today delivers such tremendous results, and so quickly, that it falls into the “I can’t believe this works so well” category. It’s a technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), or Meridian Tapping, and if you’ve been paying attention to all the buzz lately around the 2013 Tapping World Summit — the 5th annual event —  you’re probably curious to learn more about it.

Well, I’m excited to share that registration for the free 2013 Tapping World Summit is officially open! I highly recommend checking out the page below to learn all about it, and about why you need to attend this massive free online event. What I love the most is that Louise Hay, the phenomenal spiritual teacher of our times, is learning and practicing EFT at age 86! Watch her video with the creator of this summit, Nick Ortner, at the link below.


Whether you want to deal with emotional blocks, anxiety, anger, past traumas or phobias, or you want to release physical pain or lose those extra inches, this technique is a gateway to making that happen for you. It can help you, in a big way, to attract what you want into your life by clearing out the negative and limiting beliefs you may be holding. I’ve had some tremendous results with EFT myself!

After going through some tough challenges in life, viz. a heart-breaking divorce, I had been seriously working on healing myself, clearing detrimental beliefs and affirming beneficial ones in their place. Louise Hay helped me tremendously via her book, You Can Heal Your Life, which has sold 50 million copies to date. Needless to say, the main area I was focusing on was romantic relationships and attracting a soulmate. Things seem to work for a while and I could see I had shifted some thought patterns in regards to having “a man” in my life. However, I still seemed to be stuck with a pattern of “I SO want him but I can’t have him”. The men I was attracting were, in some way or another, not available. It was very frustrating and I couldn’t figure out the block! That is when I felt this urge of seeing a friend I hadn’t seen for a while, who practiced EFT or Tapping. When I met her and started working on tapping my unknown pattern away, it took only one session (and about 15 minutes of Tapping) to dissolve the barrier! I didn’t know at the end of the session that I was well on my way to attracting the man of my dreams. However, things became very clear when I did meet him within a month or so of that EFT session with my friend. But before I met my now-husband, the old pattern took those unavailable men with it to make room for my soulmate to walk in. So that is what EFT is capable of!

Perhaps the best part about this technique is that you can receive a crash course, and experience immediate results, for free. So join the over 500,000 people who registered for the Tapping World Summit last year and saw their lives change. When you register for the event, you actually get three really cool audios to listen to right away, so that you can learn the basics of Tapping and see the results for yourself immediately.


And please let me know about your individual results, because hearing these stories of change and transformation is what makes my day!

May you tap your way to transformation.

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