“Considered the most persuasive documentary ever made, EARTHLINGS is nicknamed “the Vegan maker” for its sensitive footage shot at animal shelters, pet stores, puppy mills, factory farms, slaughterhouses, the leather and fur trades, sporting events, circuses and research labs. The film is narrated by Academy Award® nominee Joaquin Phoenix and features music by platinum-selling recording artist Moby. Initially ignored by distributors, today EARTHLINGS is considered the definitive animal rights film by organizations around the world. ….. Nation Earth was established to produce documentary films on socially urgent issues. EARTHLINGS, released in 2005, was the company’s first feature film and is the first of a documentary trilogy. The company is currently at work on the second instalment, UNITY, which will explore the unifying force of consciousness found in nature, animals and humankind. UNITY is scheduled to be completed in 2009.”
Update (12 Jun ’09): Two of my blogger friends, Linda MB Hughes and Sandip Sen, got inspired by my blog post and have written their own posts about the movie and their feelings after watching it. Must reads!
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I love the tie in between not killing and the tomato bleeding. It is pointed out that the next movie is UNITY. In essence, the earth mother system, Gaia, for that matter the universal matter that contributes to life here, there and wherever, exists with a life force. How we relate to that force is the determining factor on whether we are truly a higher life form.Life of course needs nourishment. To conduct oneself, as the alledged higher life form, is to approach ones compsuption intake through an emphatic design with creation. Who knows, when our life force ebbs from us, where in this universe, and how, we are recycled.
That's a very thoughtful comment. We need to limit our consumption to a rate such that it gives opportunity for regeneration to the ecosystem. Right now we're gluttonously consuming everything in our way, literally.