· Reforestation of Borneo rainforests for saving the habitats of endangered Orang-utans
· Reforestation in Costa Rica (Playa el Rey) to provide adequate habitat for its endangered Mono titi monkeys
· Reforestation in Belize rainforests to save the Jaguar habitat
Hence all three projects will employ similar methods, such as Tree avalanching, ecological forestry etc., to achieve slightly different goals. The basic idea behind these reforestations is to give back the endangered species their habitat. Loss of favourable habitat is one of the foremost reasons for dwindling numbers of these species. Hence, RTR 09 campaign aims to raise $1M by Earth day (April 22nd, 2009) in order to undertake sustainably managed reforestation at these locations around the world. It is called ‘Give a gift to your planet’ because this is the least we can do to present something valuable to our mother Earth on her birthday, the Earth day. So I sincerely request all my readers to donate at least $10 each toward this great cause. This will also be an investment for your children’s future!