· The main focus of RTR 09 (and all EPS reforestation projects) is sustainable management of permanent rainforest habitats. This is different from other reforestations which do not have a long-term goal of sustaining what has been planted.
· In order to save majority of the rainforests exist today, locals in Papua New Guinea have been introduced to ‘ecological forestry’ and educated in the benefits of rainforests to the planet and to themselves. Involvement of locals is essential in long-term sustainability of the ecosystem.
· Tree avalanching has been described as “the financial engine to reforest the planet” and is a technique regularly employed by EPS for rejuvenating the rainforests in crisis. This approach redirects the financial revenue from reforestation towards multiplying the resources and acquiring more land for forestation.
· One of the great examples of how our ancestors had knowledge that can be a solution to problems today is the rediscovery of Biochar/Agrichar technique. This carbon-negative soil-enhancer was used in the ancient El Dorado to raise crops in a naturally mineral-poor soil.
· In order to save majority of the rainforests exist today, locals in Papua New Guinea have been introduced to ‘ecological forestry’ and educated in the benefits of rainforests to the planet and to themselves. Involvement of locals is essential in long-term sustainability of the ecosystem.
· Tree avalanching has been described as “the financial engine to reforest the planet” and is a technique regularly employed by EPS for rejuvenating the rainforests in crisis. This approach redirects the financial revenue from reforestation towards multiplying the resources and acquiring more land for forestation.
· One of the great examples of how our ancestors had knowledge that can be a solution to problems today is the rediscovery of Biochar/Agrichar technique. This carbon-negative soil-enhancer was used in the ancient El Dorado to raise crops in a naturally mineral-poor soil.
Each of the above mentioned methods are unique in their own sense, very different in approaching the problem and finding the solution. These methods have been effectively used in many areas by EPS. Tomorrow I will give you a brief overview of some of their projects. I’ve already introduced you to them individually in my earlier posts. But this time you will get to see the coherent, whole picture.
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