I just used the WWF Australia‘s Ecological footprint calculator (US folks can use this) and here are my results (the image is a screenshot of the webpage, click on it to see bigger image),
- If everyone lived like me, we’d need 2.7 Earths to support us all.
- It takes 4.8 global hectares of productive area (11.6 tonnes of carbon) to support my lifestyle.
- Breakdown of my ecological footprint is, mobility: 32%, food: 26%, shelter: 18%, services: 13% and goods: 12%.
So….. I’d like to see you take the quiz and share your results with me! The purpose is not to make you feel good or bad about your lifestyle but to make you aware of your impact on the planet. After that if you chose to change your lifestyle, for better or worse of the Earth, it will be your decision.
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- Australia Now the World’s Largest Per Capita Carbon Emitter (treehugger.com)
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- Costa Rica greenest, happiest country (guardian.co.uk)
http://grangergab.blogspot.com/2009/07/me-378-earth.htmlI need tips lady, ASAP!!! This is not good and I'm thoroughly upset with myself!
Well, I am at 2.1 earths…I actually miscalculated the number of hrs I fly each yr…..1 trip home is 35-40 hrs alone…..So I need 3.9 hectares (8.8 tonne carbon) to support my life style…Mobility (34%) and food (28%) are major culprits….I believe this quiz can be improved if you incorporate small items like "How many minutes do you spend in shower every day" or "whats the temp. of water that u use for taking bath, cleaning utensils, clothes?" "How many hrs. do you spend in shared environment (office, market etc.) where u share the amenities?""How much natural lighting do you use?""How much non-recyclable stuff do you use (plastic plates, papers, etc.)?"Most of these are small items in the whole scheme of things, however they are important….Additionally, instead of recycling we should care more for decreasing our consumption…..because recycling anyways needs more energy, not to mention the energy it took in the first place to make that item……..So I personally believe that although recycling is a good beginning, its not enough and decrease in consumption is the only way forward………….-Gaurav
Thanks for sharing your results, both of you.@Minal: I have left a comment on your blog post which might be helpful in giving you further insight into our consumption of resources. As for tips for reducing your impact, at the end of this quiz, there are some suggestions given, so check those out.@Gaurav: I like what you have said about small things making big impact and 'prevention is better than cure' attitude. I'd suggest you watch 'Story of Stuff', a 20 min documentary that shows you the big picture which we usually miss.