Indigenous Australians have long held their own seasonal calendars based on the local sequence of natural events. The Australian bureau of meteorology has these calenders on their website along with the knowledge of the aborigines about the various seasons etc.
Deep in the Suriname rainforest, an innovative conservation group is working with indigenous tribes to protect their forest home and culture using traditional ethno-botanical knowledge combined with cutting-edge technology. Key to the process is bridging the generational gap between indigenous elders and youths: the shamans provide the younger rangers with the historical and cultural information needed to add critical details to the maps.
I would strongly recommend my readers to click on both links and read on about this amazing treasure of knowledge that the past has provided these simplistic people.
I fail to undestand why people will not acknowledge the need to learn from the past. It seems like such a no brainer to me. After all think about it people. Every one of us most learn the lessons of life anew, it is the process of life and aging. Why should societies be any different, our technology may be grander than past civilizations in many ways. Our means of compassion and empathy, our measure of respect for the great Earth System, Gaia, may not?
“our technology may be grander than past civilizations in many ways. Our means of compassion and empathy, our measure of respect for the great Earth System, Gaia, may not?”Exactly! Somehow our society/civilisation has managed to advance by moving away from the natural order of things. Progress doesn’t necessarily have to be averse to natural order. Its much better if in harmony with the Earth.
“Deep in the Suriname rainforest, an innovative conservation group is working with indigenous tribes to protect their forest home and culture using traditional ethnobotanical knowledge combined with cutting-edge technology.“I really think that is key – combining traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology – and this can only happen when people are open to give and receive to and from each other.I'm a Canadian Native American (and Irish/Scottish) healer who was adopted at birth into a white family. I didn't grow up with my culture and yet the core of it has been within me from day one. Most of my healing gifts have been passed down to me by beings in the spirit world. And many of my teachings come from elders from all over Turtle Island and beyond. And yeah, some of it is just in my blood, literally.I mean, check this out… part of the healing work I do involves sending healing energy through email! I also clear someone`s energy field with my hands, when we`re thousands of miles apart and have never met. These healing gifts can`t all have come from the distant past, and yet they contain the core teachings.I think the core teachings of indigenous people everywhere are being a catalyst right now for the human race to move into the next phase of being. The core teachings – of natural law and harmony – are universal.But not all the past needs to be repeated. I certainly wouldn't marry off my daughter when she turns 12 or 13 to some 30 year old guy who has 7 other wives, for example. And I can't pay the rent with things given to me in trade for my healing services. I don't need to worry about the need of a spontaneous abortion by herbal medicine so that the tribe can move on without another mouth to feed in a season with little food. Not to mention, I can't imagine having to take care of tanning an animal hide with its brains after taking all the insides out to cook, smoke, eat or use in some way – and that was a woman's job in our good old days.Some things just don't need to be repeated. 😉 The basic element of respect for all life (All My Relations), the Law of Attraction… are core indigenous teachings that I think live inside all of us at a deep level. It`s just we seem to need a lot of guidance to get back to just being real, being true to ourselves individually and as a human race.And that`s my 2 cents worth 😉 Thought-provoking topic! Thanks for sharing this – I LOVE when reading something stimulates my mind like this and gets me writing!Love & Light,Brenda
Hi Brenda, I didn’t know you had already visited my blog and left such a wonderful and deeply thought comment. I wrote to you on ‘the five elements’ group on BlogCatalog and suggested you have a read of my blog :). Thanks a lot for doind that. I’m REALLY glad you found my post thought-provoking and it go you writing. Its nice to get such reactions from people.I most definitely believe in learning from the past and that there is a lot of hidden knowledge in the past of human race. We still haven’t reached the spiritual and even materialistically advanced level to recognise that knowledge. If you happen to read some of my other posts, its will be clear what I mean.I have become much more interested in spirituality (not religion) in last few months due to some experiences that I went through in life lately. I think I’ve chnaged a lot. And I feel much more closer to the nature and to the Earth than ever before. Lets see where this path leads me.I would love to hear more comments from you in future :).
Just rated your blog 5 stars. :)Peace,Brenda