Uncover Enneagram magic!

EnneagramforHealing-IntroAd-rectangleAs a healing practitioner, coach, therapist or a being on the journey of self-discovery, you always want to have a deeper understanding of who you are. Or you may wish to take your clients into this kind of understanding and provide them with the tools for profound healing and  transformation. If so, I am excited to bring you a very special invitation to join four of Enneagram’s most renowned teachers, including Russ Hudson and Helen Palmer, on Saturday, October 3rd for a FREE virtual event Deepening Your Client Relationships with the Enneagram: Optimizing Your Work with Different Types.
Why is this event a “must attend” for any and all transformation workers? Simply put, the Enneagram complements any transformational or therapeutic approach and enables you to engage your clients more effectively. As you become more self-aware and more aware of patterns  — yours and your clients’ — you can support them in  powerful breakthroughs that bring sustainable results.
During this virtual event, you’ll discover:

  • How to understand each Enneagram type from the psychological and spiritual perspectives
  • Ways in which your Enneagram type affects your professional approach and effectiveness
  • Real-world examples of working effectively with different Enneagram types, through awareness of core motives, fears and aspirations

If you’re an admirer or a student of the Enneagram and want to know how to use it most effectively in your practice, join me for this illuminating hour-long seminar! Everyone who registers for this FREE virtual event will also receive the audio recording. If you’re a healing practitioner, coach, therapist or consultant, please don’t miss this rare opportunity to discover how the Enneagram can empower your work regardless of your healing modality or approach.

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