Heal Your Life®

Based on the philosophy of world-renowned spiritual teacher Louise Hay, Heal Your Life® workshops take us on a journey through our mind, body and soul and help us remember the connection between these 3 components of our being. Empowered with the knowledge of how these 3 are intimately connected, we are taken on a life-transforming journey, one step at a time, with loving acceptance and support.

Louise L. Hay is a world-renowned spiritual teacher who teaches people, simply put, to love themselves exactly as they are. Her book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published in 1984, long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the mind and body. More than 50 million copies of this New York Times best-seller have been sold throughout the world.

Basics of Louise Hay’s philosophy, in her own words

The Heal Your Life® Workshops are based on Louise’s philosophy explained in You Can Heal Your Life. The workshops make you aware of the creative power that resides within each one of us and empower you with tools to create the life you truly desire. The emotional causes for myriad of dis-eases and the affirmations to help release those emotions put you in control of your own health. Louise’s philosophy, her love and support will give you the strength to stand in your own power and become the co-creator of your own life!

These are available as online or in-person sessions, varying in length, from 3 hours to 2 days. For more details and discussing which one would best suit your healing needs, contact Radhika at radhika@radiance-holistic.com.au.